释义 |
conversation 英/ ?k?nv??se??(?)n / 美/ ?kɑ?nv?r?se??(?)n / - 1
语言学 会话 Interruption is a speech act frequently occurring in everyday conversation. 插话是日常会话中较为频繁的一种言语行为。 对话 The research found that different from daily conversation, the disagreement between interviewees is direct and encouraged. 本研究结果表明,与日常对话不同,新闻访谈中受访者之间的争论是直接的,并受到鼓励。 谈话
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文学 会话 Turn-taking is the key issue in conversation analysis, and the convention of turn-taking varies between cultures and languages. 话轮转换研究是会话分析中的核心问题,不同的语言和文化会影响到谈话中的话轮转换。 对话 The third of the paper analyze the two way of expressing: narrative and conversation used in communicating of fairy tale, and draw a brief conclusion of it’s application in language . 论文的第三部分分析了童话在传播过程中所使用的两种表述方式:叙说和对话,并对二者在语言使用上的一些情况作了总结。
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I remember exactly my conversa-tion on the matter with my mother.