释义 |
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There are just two hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter on average in space, which poses no threat to spaceships traveling at low speeds. 太空中平均每立方厘米只有两个氢原子,这对低速飞行的宇宙飞船不构成威胁。 - 2
In Yunnan, there are more than 10,000 cubic meters of water per person, four times the national average. 在云南,平均每人拥有的水资源多达10,000立方米,4倍于全国的平均水平。 - 3
In Yunnan, there are more than 10, 000 cubic meters of water per person, four times the national average. 在云南,平均每人拥有的水资源多达10,000立方米,4倍于全国的平均水平。