adj. 宇宙的(等于cosmical)
adj. 囊的;膀胱的,胆囊的;胞囊的
"I have lots of friends that came to U.S.C. That is the main reason I wanted to come.
VOA : special.2010.05.27
So when I type, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say type, c point although I would have typed it, p dot x, here's what basically happens.
计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课
I think it's the third Century B.C.
博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
Mosaic is spelled m-o-s-a-i-c.
VOA : special.2009.01.02
This is a new company record. If it wasn't a waste of a fine enlisted man, I'd recommend you for O.C.S.,Private Gump.
VOA : standard.other