To get the most out of your new network, laptops and ultrabooks can be upgraded with the USB 3.0 ready AC Wi-Fi Dual-Band USB Adapter.
ENGADGET: Belkin outs AC1800 and AC750 dual-band routers, USB WiFi adapter at CES 2013
The AC Wi-Fi Dual-Band USB Adapter will be shipping this spring.
ENGADGET: Belkin outs AC1800 and AC750 dual-band routers, USB WiFi adapter at CES 2013
The NETGEAR A6200 WiFi Adapter is the industry's first-to-market 802.11ac dual band WiFi USB adapter that enables you to easily upgrade your existing PC or laptop to 802.11ac performance.
ENGADGET: Netgear 802.11ac update adds beamforming, delivers up to 60 percent faster WiFi