... 中等规模网关服务器 mid-size gateway server 禁止大规模种族屠杀公约convention on genocide 种植 plant; grow; raise; cultivate 树种植在岸上。 the trees are planted on the banks. 这个地区种植香蕉。 the area is under banana cultivation.; 种植机具 sowing and planting machinery; 种植计划 planting scheme; 种植犁 deep plough; 种植面积 cultivated area; 种植期[季节] planting season; 种植业 farm production; crop and plant cultivation; crop cultivation; 种植园 plantation; haciendo; [巴西] fazenda; finca; 种植园主 plantation owner; planter ...
A majority of scholars and historians agree that the massacre of an estimated one million Armenians during World War I constitutes genocide as defined by the 1948 United Nations Convention on Genocide.