释义 |
1 ?赎罪日 赎罪日(Day of Atonement): 2 ?每年赎罪 遵照现代犹太教的平易近俗,在每年赎罪(Day of Atonement)的破晓,把两头山羊牵到圣所神坛(altar),由主祭抽签,一头羊献给天主,一头羊给神。绩给天主的山羊是祭品,另一头羊则是替死鬼。 3 ?赎罪节 ... 普陵节(Pur, Purim;phur, Phurim) 赎罪节(Day of Atonement;Dies Expiationis) 五旬节(Pentecost;Pentecoste) ...
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On YOM KIPPUR [1], the Day of Atonement and holiest festival in Judaism, worshippers beseech God's pardon. “赎罪日”(Yom Kippur)是犹太人最神圣的节日,他们在这天恳求上帝赦罪。 - 2
The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present an offering made to the Lord by fire. 七月初十是赎罪日,你们要守为圣会,并要刻苦已心,也要将火祭献给耶和华.