1961年盖尔(Geier)和贝尔尼(Beirne)等提出了 有害生物综合防治的概念,即评价选用所有可用的 方法,将其综合成一个完整的系统,以控制有害生 物种群数量避免经济损失...
... 所属州: NJ 名字: Beirne 姓: J ...
But gay people do march in the parade and are welcome, said Hilary Beirne, the parade's executive secretary.
WSJ: Politician's rise highlights NYC parade dispute
Hilary Beirne, the executive secretary of the Fifth Avenue procession, said he was unaware of any mayoral candidate boycott.
WSJ: Next Mayor May Miss 2014 St. Patrick's Day Parade
"The parade is a celebration of Irish faith, Irish heritage and Irish culture it's nothing more, nothing less, " Mr. Beirne said.