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浸渍冻结 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?浸渍冷冻 ... 戴奥辛 dioxin 浸渍冷冻(法) dip freezing 深度标尺 dip rod ...
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At the polar regions, where temperatures might dip more than 50 degrees below freezing but sunlight shines 24 hours per day for half the year, solar technology could also be effective. 而在温度可以降至零下50度但一年中有半年阳光24小时照射的两极区域,太阳能技术同样可以发挥作用。 - 2
The temperature doesn't usually dip below freezing, and that mild weather, combined with all the precipitation, keeps the city green year-round. 这儿的温度很少降到零度以下,温和的气候再加上其全部的降水量,使这座城市终年保持着一片郁郁葱葱的绿色。 - 3
Ian Stuttard takes a dip in the freezing waters of the Serpentine Lido in Hyde Park on November 30, 2010 in London, United Kingdom. 2010年11月30号,Ian Stuttard在英国伦敦海德公园的蛇形胡冰冷的湖水里游泳。