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计算机科学技术 可控性 Application result proves that the method has better controllability. 应用结果表明,基于外部包装和规则配置的黑盒方法更具可控性。 能控性 In Chapter 2, we introduce the analysis approaches of the stability, controllability and the observability for the switched systems. 2.第2章回顾了切换系统的稳定性、能控性和能观测性分析以及切换系统的滑模控制。
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 可控性 Controllability is the capability of the test system to force the Implementation Under Test (IUT) to receive inputs in a given order. 可控性是指测试系统控制被测实现(IUT)按照一定顺序接收输入的能力。 可控制性 Scan structure is used to improve the controllability and observability of internal nodes of the circuit. 在SoC测试中,采用扫描结构可提高电路内部节点的可控制性和可观察性。 能控性 Furthermore, the state predictive observer is introduced into the discrete-time SMC based on the controllability and observability of system. 然后,论文将状态预测观测器引入离散滑模变结构控制器中,基于离散时间系统能控性和能观性的基本理论,提出了基于状态预测观测器的离散滑模变结构控制策略。
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经济学 可控制性 And the cost, efficiency, effectiveness and controllability in channel management have become the focus in marketing. 渠道成本、效率、效益以及可控制性构成生产企业营销工作中最大的困扰。
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语言学 控制度 English and Chinese get verbs both have the potential of being used in DOC, but the conceptualizer tends to assign the former a weaker controllability over the Ajoiner than the latter. 英汉获取类动词都有用于双宾句式的潜势,但是概念化主体赋予英语获取类动词比汉语相应动词更低的邻体控制度。
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