释义 |
1 ?控制台埠 ... 控制连接器 control connector 控制台 control console 控制台埠 control console port ...
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The advanced options give you fine-grained control over Settings, such as port values, installation of the administrative console, and database configuration. 高级选项提供对各种设置细粒度的控制,如端口值、管理控制台的安装以及数据库配置。 - 2
Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-n-1, no flow control) with default no user ID or password required. 用串口直连电缆连接到每台交换机的串行控制端口(9600、8 - N - 1、无流控制),默认下不需要用户ID和密码。 - 3
Connect to the switch using the serial console port with a straight serial cable (9600, 8-n-1, no flow control). 用串口直连电缆连接到交换机串行控制端口(9600、8 - N - 1、无流控制)。