中新网12月30日电 据英国媒体报道英国是变和年金部(Department for Work and Pensions)29日颁布官方数字并展望称现今健在的英国人中有1000全能活到一百岁。
根据英国工作和养老金部(Department for Work and Pensions)的数据显示,2012年,在工龄内工作的残疾人达到了46.3%,也就是说,近一半的残疾人都在从事各种不同水平的工作,而非残疾人工作比...
1 在英国,就业及退休保障部(Department for Work and Pensions)成立了"参与工作小组"(Participation Working Group),让亲 历贫穷的人士,就《社会共融国家行动计划》(National Action Plan on...
For more information about universal credit, visit the Department for Work and Pensions website.
BBC: Benefit changes: Who will be affected?
The Department for Work and Pensions said disabled people should not have to tolerate discrimination.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Disabled work 'barriers' must end
Workers change jobs 11 times on average, according to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
BBC: Investment choices after pension auto-enrolment