释义 |
牙科液体 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Minimal toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, razor, Dr.Bronner's liquid soap (for washing clothes in the sink, and shaving), dental floss. 洗漱小物件:除臭剂、牙刷、剃须刀、布朗博士液体皂(洗泡过的衣物和刮脸时用)、牙线。 - 2
Minimal toiletries: deodorant, toothbrush, razor, Dr. Bronner's liquid soap (for washing clothes in the sink, and shaving), dental floss. 洗漱小物件:除臭剂、牙刷、剃须刀、布朗博士液体皂(洗泡过的衣物和刮脸时用)、牙线。 - 3
Dental amalgams, the silver-colored material used to fill teeth after removal of a cavity, include liquid mercury and a powder that contains silver, tin, copper, zinc, and other metals. 银色的汞合金在牙科中被用于填充牙齿患病后残留的腔洞,合金包括液态的汞和粉末状的银、锡、铜、锌以及其他金属。