释义 |
1 ?德力士 可以乘坐渡轮前往历史悠久的海滨小镇德力士(Dawlish),那里以其黑天鹅而著名。 2 ?道利什 客人可以参观道利什(Dawlish)的沙滩,位于The Blenheim住宿加早餐旅馆的正对面。
- 1
"I assure you, my Lord, dawlish seemed quite certain," said yaxley. “我保证,主人,德力士看上去很肯定”,亚克斯利说。 - 2
"Yes," said he, "they were married last week, and are now at Dawlish." “是的,”爱德华说,“他们是上星期结婚的,现在在道利希。”翣。 - 3
In the email, Mrs Bourne, from Dawlish, Devon, apparently tells off Miss Withers, 29, for the way she behaved when visiting the family in Devon in April. 邮件中,来自德文郡德力士的伯恩夫人明显在责备29岁的威瑟斯小姐四月前往德文郡的家中拜访他们时行为举止不得体。