释义 |
1 ?喊叔叔 I went in front of her, hold her hands a MIMI, and then said to her doll, crying uncle, do not cry not to eat!
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I went in front of her, hold her hands a MIMI, and then said to her doll, crying uncle, do not cry not to eat! 我走到她面前,一把两手按住她的MIMI,然后跟她娃娃说,喊叔叔,不喊不给吃! - 2
His father and uncle fall to the ground, crying uncontrollably. After 11 years of not knowing, relief of finding a child they thought had been lost forever pours out of them. 他的父亲和叔叔摔倒在地,哭的不可控制。已经11年没有消息了,得知原以为那个他们倾注全部的孩子永远的丢失后轻松了许多。 - 3
When my uncle died my family sat in a unity club for the wake and there was no laughter there was no smiles, people were crying and looking sad and barely speaking. 我的叔叔去世的时候,我的家人们为他守灵,他们没有笑容,更听不到笑声,他们哭着,眼神哀伤,话语勉强。