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破碎的步骤 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The loquat polysaccharide extracting process includes crushing, hot water extraction, double enzymolysis, freeze drying and other technological steps. 本发明公开了一种批杷多糖提取工艺,包括粉碎、热水浸提、双酶水解和冷冻干燥提取等步骤。 - 2
The production process includes culturing yeast, crushing sugar cane, sealed anaerobic fermentation, distilling to output wine and other steps. 生产方法,包括酒母的培养、甘蔗粉碎、密封厌氧发酵、蒸馏出酒等步骤。 - 3
The main steps of producing the straw brick are as follows: 1. crushing corn straw, soybean straw, cotton straw and the like; 主要制作步骤:1。将玉米秸、黄豆秸 秆、棉花秸秆等粉碎。