释义 |
- 巡航距离:指一种交通工具在特定速度和燃料消耗下可以行驶的距离。
1 ?续航距离 ... 巡航圈 cruising circle 续航距离 cruising distance 巡航半径,续航半径,续航距离 cruising radius (or range ) ...
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Honda's latest fuel cell car, the FCX Clarity, has a cruising distance of 400 miles per charge, and takes just three or four minutes to recharge. 而本田最新的燃料电池汽车FCX Clarity一次充电能行驶640千米,再充电也只需要3到4分钟。 - 2
This magnificent vessel combines style, presence and exhilarating performance. She is effortlessly capable of high-speed, long-distance cruising. 这艘豪华游艇外观时尚、引人注目、性能卓越,其高速长途巡航能力首屈一指!