...,very strange ? 太accordding时间,我不认为戏院,并且帮助用中文,从您的side.i不认为您说谎我,非常奇怪 Crown Royal ? 皇冠 policy for dealing with issues of non-compliance with the policy? ? 与政策的不遵守情事问题处理政策?
This week Mrs Clinton downed a shot of CrownRoyal whisky in Bronko's Restaurant and Lounge in Crown Point, Indiana. She also entertained America with stories about how her father taught her to shoot.
希拉里本周在印第安纳州CrownPoint市的一家餐馆(名称Bronko's Restaurant and Lounge)喝了一杯CrownRoyal威士忌,她还用他爸爸教她射击的故事来娱乐大众。
The Crown Prince of Bahrain has informed the British royal family that he won't attend the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton this week because of ongoing unrest in Bahrain.