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1 [口腔]?牙侵蚀症 【正文快照】: 牙侵蚀症(dental erosion),也叫牙酸蚀症,是指在无细菌参与的情况下,由于酸的化学侵蚀作用造成牙齿表面硬组织进行性丧失的一种慢性牙体病[l]。 2 ?牙酸蚀病 铬鼻病(Chromium Induced Nasal Disease) 牙酸蚀病(Dental Erosion) 石棉所致肺癌、间皮瘤(Cancer of Lung ,Mesenterioma Caused by Asbestos) .. 3 ?酸蚀症 牙酸蚀症(dental erosion) 是指再无细菌参与的情况下,接触牙面的酸或其螯合物的化学侵蚀作用引起的一种慢性的、病理性的牙体硬组织丧失。 4 ?齿腐蚀 ... 潮腐蚀 heat and sweat damage; sweat damage 齿腐蚀 dental erosion 点腐蚀 pitting attack; spot corrosion ...
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The citric acid contained in these beverages also causes dental erosion. - 2
In fact, any one of those habits could increase your risk of dental erosion or decay. - 3
It might sound like the ideal formula for perfect teeth, but, actually, it's not. In fact, any one of those habits could increase your risk of dental erosion or decay. 听上去,这些都是让你拥有一口完美牙齿的理想方案,可事实并非如此。