...身高4.2尺,硕大的卡通脑袋上竖着一对“顺风耳”,赤褐色的头发看起来很像拖把,整个人物形象好似淘气阿丹(Dennis the Menace,连环画人物),非常讨喜。
《调皮阿丹》(Dennis The Menace)版的《调皮阿丹》十分忠于原著中的角特质,当然也不能少了阿丹的最佳玩伴-鲁夫。
邻家小鬼(Dennis the Menace) - 电影图片 | 电影剧照 | 高清海报..
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Two rare busts of cartoon characters Dennis the Menace and Desperate Dan have been stolen from a Scottish farm.
BBC: Figurine theft no comic matter
The club was launched in 1976 as the Dennis the Menace Fan Club.
BBC: Beano Club closed to new members
Dennis the Menace first appeared in issue 452, in March 1951, and is the longest running strip in the comic.