... 数据传送速率data transfer rate 数据传送状态data transfer state 数据存储data storage ...
Much like Ajax, the SOAP specification and the Representational StateTransfer (REST) approach can also be used to provide an industry standard means of transferring data between applications.
与 Ajax 非常相似,您还可以使用 SOAP 规范和代表性状态传输(Representational State Transfer,REST)方法来提供在应用程序之间传输数据的行业标准方式。
Analysis of data is made available by REST (REpresentational StateTransfer) services, a standardized database interface that abstracts the database from the applications.
数据分析通过REST (REpresentational State Transfer)服务变得可用,该服务是为应用程序提供数据库抽象的数据库接口。
It proposes a data model plus a set of generic services and several protocol bindings for these services, including Representational StateTransfer (REST) using Atom convention and SOAP.