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数据,全球 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Generally, they start off with a "base" set of data that is known to be available to the program — stack data, global variables, and registers. 通常,它们以程序所知的可用的一组“基本”数据——栈数据、全局变量、寄存器——作为出发点。 - 2
But according to Gartner data, global PC shipments reached around 350 million in 2010, which means booming tablet sales are still fairly puny in comparison. 但是根据Gartner的数据,全球PC出货在2010年达到了约3.5亿,这也就意味着繁荣的平板销售相比之下仍然相当弱。 - 3
The 2005 edition is an update of the first Mental Health Atlas 2001, and contains the most complete global data available on mental health resources. 2005年版是第一份《2001年精神卫生地图集》的更新,包含了关于精神卫生资源最完整的全球数据。