This function block provides with functions of pin height calculation, 3d virtual assembling of reconfigurable tool, data dynamical modification, and dataexamination for pins adjusting.
Their data came from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which followed 12,000 American men and women over the course of six years.
刊登在美国全国健康与营养调查(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)的数据,是长达六年时间跟踪调查12.000美国男人和妇女所取得的。
Their data came from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which followed 12, 000 American men and women over the course of six years.
他们的数据来自于美国国家健康与营养检验调查(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey),该调查对1万2千男女进行了6年的追踪。