释义 |
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Aristotle is considered the "father of criticism," and yet he is also what Foucault would call a "founder of discursivity." 亚里士多德被认为是批判学之父“,但他是福柯承认的话语学奠基人 - 2
Well, I don't know. It seems to me that literary influence is not at all unlike sort of speaking or writing in the wake of a founder of discursivity, but we can let that pass. 我不知道,我觉得,文学的影响力和演讲和写作的影响力还是有相似之处的,尤其是在散漫性被发现之后,但是我们可以不谈这个。 - 3
Certain authors who come very close to being authority we call founders of discursivity, but even in their cases it's the nature of the discourse and not their existence as authors which is important. 有些几乎成为权威的作家,我们称之为东拉西扯,但即使在这种情况下,重要的是话语的性质,而不是作家的存在。