释义 |
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Another of us was next to a busy kitchen; metal pots shook, then crashed off the shelves, and with the noise diners came rushing up from tables in the basement and out into the streets. 我们的另一个记者当时在一家很繁忙的餐厅旁,开始只见柜台上的那些盆盆罐罐在晃动,随后都从柜台上摔了下来,在一片喧闹中在地下餐厅用餐的人们都慌忙的从餐桌前离开并冲到大街上。 - 2
The Scottish Ambulance Service criticised the Kismot curry house, St Leonards Street, after 10 diners suffered vomiting and some passed out after eating the 'killer' curry during the charity event. 在这场慈善活动中,十名食客在吃下“杀手”咖喱后呕吐,有些甚至晕死过去,之后苏格兰急救中心在对圣莱纳德街的基斯·莫特咖喱屋表示谴责。 - 3
He has expanded Hua Jia Yi Yuan by purchasing and remodeling two traditional courtyard houses out back, expecting 2,200 diners daily during the 17 days of the games. 他已经扩建了花家怡园,买下后面的两个四合院,重新进行装修,并预计在奥运会的17天中,每天将有2200名客人来这里用餐。