释义 |
1 [建]?插销 ... cross-piece 横梁 cross-pin 插销 cross-springer 交叉穹肋 ...
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"The most impressive thing they will observe is freedom," said Lin Chong-pin, President of the Foundation on International and Cross-Strait Studies, a private group based in Taipei. “他们感受最深的是自由,”林重平说,他是台北民间组织国际海峡研究会的创办人。 - 2
The reverse was plain with only the manufacturer mark (if present), and a wide pin and catch soldered to it, from which the Cross was attached to the uniform. 反面是简单的制。造商标记,并且采用宽别针焊接方式, 从那些十字勋章戴上制服后。 - 3
Results Tension band pin group was most stable, followed by cross pin, traction, plaster and splint. 结果:张力带钢针最稳定,承载最大,其次是交叉钢针、牵引,石膏夹板固定最差。