”三星方面提议在自己放开本公司通信专利的同时,自己可以使用苹果的设计专利,就是一种专利交叉授权(cross licence),但苹果方面对此没有明确答复。对于三星拥有的通信领域标准专利的使用,苹果方面没有给出足够的金额,因此未达成协议。
...Sole Licence) ③普通许可(Simple Licence 或Nonexclusive Licence) ④从属许可(Sub-Licence) ⑤互换许可(Cross licence)
,并签署了专利交叉授权协议(cross licence)。根据协议
... 独占实施权 exclusive right to exploit 专利权的交换实施权 cross licence 滥施权威 the misuse of authority ...
互换许可证合同 ; 许可合同 ; 交叉许可合同
"Sectarianism is evil, and the wind of sectarianism does not need a licence to cross from a country to another, because if it begins in a place it will move to another place, " he said.
BBC: Iraq PM Maliki warns of 'plague of sectarianism'