释义 |
cross examination 英/ ?kr?s ?ɡ?z?m??ne???n / - 质询:在法庭上对证人或被告进行的质询,旨在揭示证人或被告的真实情况,以确定他们的可信度和证言的可靠性。
1 ?交叉询问 ...、教材没有差异,但是在课程要求上对国际生更宽松,毕竟我们无论是在直接询问(direct examination)、交叉询问(cross examination)、开场陈述(opening statement)、结案陈词(closing statement)的练习中,都不需要严格的受证据规则所限。 2 ?盘诘 ... 可询问 askable 盘诘,询问 cross examination 请求;询问 ask for ...
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The defective experts' conclusion shall not be redone if it may be resolved through the supplementary expertise, the new cross-examination, or supplementary cross-examination, etc. 对有缺陷的鉴定结论,可以通过补充鉴定、重新质证或者补充质证等方法解决的,不予重新鉴定。 - 2
During cross-examination, Conrad Murray's star medical expert, Paul White, agreed that Murray had "deviated from the standard of care" in multiple ways in treating Jackson. 在反复的检查中,康拉德。莫里的明星医疗专家,保尔。怀特,认为默里在对待杰克逊的种种方式表明了他“没有恪守一定的陪护标准”。 - 3
The object, subject, means, time of public security subpoena, along with its differences with the cross-examination under lien are expounded in the light of the current laws and practice. 依据现行法律,联系当前实际,对治安传唤的对象、主体、方式、时间及其与留置盘问的区别等方面作出了粗浅分析研究。