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diameter at breast height - 胸高直径:胸高直径(DBH)是一种表示立木树干直径的标准方法。DBH是最常见的树木测量之一。
1 ?胸径 ...中林系列;杨树品种;胸径;材积;树高;江淮地区 [gap=963]Key wordsZhonglin series; poplar varieties; diameter at breast height; volume; height; Jianghuai areas ... 2 ?胸高直径 通常,胸高直径(Diameter at Breast Height , DBH)与植物的年龄或生活阶段有明 显的正相关关系,可直接以胸径作为相对年龄来反映木本植物的年龄结构。 3 ?倍胸径 断根程度 脱落期间进行断根处理,对照与处理之间累积茎流通量差异达到极显著水平。生长季节进行断根处理,12、10倍胸径(diameter at breast height, DBH)断根处理的茎流通量与8倍胸径断根处理相比差异显著,12倍与10倍胸径断根处理之间的茎流通量差异不显著 4 ?平均胸径 天然林与人工林的BCEF和BEF随林龄(Stand age, A)、平均胸径(Diameter at breast height, DBH)和林分密度(Stand density, D)的增加呈现相反的变化趋势.
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Factors involved in the model are: tree height. diameter at breast height. bark thickness at breast height. height of first dead branch and height of blackened trunk. 判别因子分别是:个体的树高、胸径、胸高处皮厚、第一枯枝高和树干熏黑高度。 - 2
The results indicated that the five traits like height, diameter at breast height, volume, wood basic density and tracheid length showed at least significant genetic variation among clones. 结果表明,无性系间树高、胸径、材积、木材基本密度和管胞长度存在显著至极显著差异。 - 3
Parabolic curve function, power function, Richards equation and single molecular equation, related tree height to diameter at breast height and widely used in forest gap model, were analysed. 为了更准确地描述树高与直径的关系,文章综合分析了广泛应用于林窗模型中的四个数学方程,即二次曲线、幂函数方程、理查德方程和单分子方程。