释义 |
- 破折号编号:在航空和航天工程中,用于标识特定部件或组件的破折号编号系统。
1 ?零件编号 ... Number of turns(螺纹)圈数 Dash number零件编号 Decimal number十进位数 ... 2 ?短划线数 Dash number ? 短划线数 You did not enter the captcha correctly, please refresh it and try again. ? 您没有正确地,请进入captcha刷新它和再试一次。 3 ?破折号数目 Dash number ? 破折号数目 who invented the way of giving electricity to eveybody in large cities ? 谁的发明的方式提供电力,eveybody在大城市 .. 4 ?零件分号 dash number 零件分号 dashpot 缓冲筒 ..
- 1
The approval for a specific part number is also valid for part numbers with higher dash numbers if the demands to personal qualification, tools and equipment are the same. 如果那些具有不同尾号的附件对于人员资格、工具设备的要求是相同的,那么对于其中某一个件号的批准同样适用于其它尾号的件号。 - 2
The regular expression is changed to locate a four-digit number, followed by a dash, followed by a three-digit alphanumerical sequence. 将正则表达式修改为寻找4位数字,后面跟一个连字符,最后是3位的字符数字序列。 - 3
Next you see that Profiles 1 and 2 each have a "dash 1", while Profile 3 has a "dash 2." This smaller number is the property number. 接下来,您看到概况1和2都有一个“破折号1”,而公司3有“餐厅2。”这是数量较少的财产数目。