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1 ?黑暗潮 能源动力行业英语第2075页 ... darken使变黑;弄模糊;变黑 darlingite试金石 DARS数据收集和记录系统 ...
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A dark wave rose as the combined mass attack of twisted creatures sought to overwhelm the paladin. 黑暗生物们的疯狂进攻几乎形成了暗涌的大潮,张牙舞爪地试图淹没那个圣骑士。 - 2
From outside, the 2, 711 dark gray slabs form a gentle wave, ankle-high in some places, designed to give visitors a sense of instability, a loss of orientation. 从外观来看,纪念碑群由2711根长短不一的灰色碑柱组成,从远处望去,黑灰色的石碑如同一片波涛起伏的石林,让游客不由自主产生一种不稳定的、迷失方向的感觉。 - 3
As the air descends in to the low point of the atmospheric wave, it touches the ocean surface, causing rough waters, visible here as long, dark vertical lines. 在空气下降到大气波的低点时,与海洋的表面相接触,形成了像漫长、黑暗垂直线条那样,明显的惊涛骇浪。