释义 |
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Patrolling in high heels, wigs and designer bags, Japanese black-belt policemen have been cross-dressing in a bid to beat off bag-snatchers, according to a report. 据报导,日本黑带级男警员为了打击夺包抢匪,穿上高跟鞋、头戴假发,手拎名牌包变装巡逻。 - 2
It was Kroos who had Germany's first attempt of the second half in the 69th minute, meeting Podoski's far-post cross with a side-footed shot that Casillas beat away. 克洛斯在第69分钟完成德国队下半场第一次射门,他接波多尔斯基远点传中足侧射门被卡斯·利亚斯挡出。 - 3
Tempo adjustment, automatic beat matching, cross fader, equalizer, filters and loops are supported. 支持节拍调整,自动节拍匹配,交叉渐变,均衡器,过滤器和。