释义 |
- 复种指数:指在农业中,衡量农作物在同一块土地上连续种植的次数的指数。
1 [农学]?种植指数 耕地利用程度的高低,通常用复种指数来表示,国际上通用的种植指数(cropping index),其含义与复种指数同。 熟制是复种程度的另一种表示 . 2 ?复种指数 ... Mean and standard deviation of each phase and each land type 3.2时间序列分类参数提取 1)提取复种指数(cropping index),即一年内ND阳 时间序列峰值的频数。范金龙等提出峰值频数的提取可 以认为是提取函数的极大值个数【l 31。
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Potential of Multiple Cropping Index; - 2
At the same time, the multiple cropping index, irrigation area, grain yield and the rate of irrigation had been improved increasingly. 耕地灌溉率、复种指数、耕地灌溉面积、粮食产量不断提高; - 3
In land scarce area, methods to increase cropping index, increase crop yield and increase planting area of wheat and sweat potato are adopted in order to increase food energy production. 在人多地少地区,粮食、饲料的供应通过增加复种、提高单产以及增加甘薯、小麦种植面积来解决。