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1 ?当好班长 当好班长(Being a Monitor),高考英语,作文,高中英语作文... 2 ?对话记人当好班长 写人作文专题列表_99-顺溜作文网-小学生作文,初... ... 人物特写:美好的学校生活-Happy Life at School& 对话记人:当好班长-Being a Monitor 事例记人:祖父-My Grandfather ... 3 ?当班长 ... A“velv Discussion一次生动的讨论 Being a Monitor当班长 Sprin9春天 ...
- 1
Being a monitor is my dream, because I think it is so cool and I will have the power. 成为班长是我的梦想,因为我觉得班长很酷,我也会有权利。 - 2
He held that job for four years and then worked his way up to being a school safety monitor. 他那份工作做了四年,之后通过努力成为了一名学校的安全监督员。 - 3
You should also factor in the other intangible benefits such as being able to monitor the process state, transfer work from one user to another, or even assigning work to a group. 还可以得到一些其他方面的无形好处,例如可以监视流程状态,将工作从一个用户传递到另一个用户,甚至可以向组分配工作。