月球激光测距试验:LLRE Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment 约束矩阵:constraint matrix 约翰逊控制公司(美国,出品楼宇自动化系统):JCI Johnson Controls Inc. .
... 约束项:binding term 约束条件矩阵:constraint matrix 约束时间的控制:binding time control ...
...称为价值向量, x j ( j 1 n )为求解的变量,由系数 aij 组成的矩阵 a11 a1n A a a mn m1 称为约束矩阵 ( constraint matrix ),列向量 b b1 bm T 称为右端向量(right-hand-side vector),条件 x j 0 j 1 n 称为非负约束。
Based on the concept of basic internal force and generalized constraintmatrix, a new method was proposed for calculation of the internal force of truss structures.
Based on the constraintmatrix method developed by Japanese scholars, a generalized constraintmatrix method was proposed for calculation of the temperature stress of RCCDs.
After analysing the traditional position and constraintmatrix, a judgement criterion of deterministic location for two-dimensional part and three-dimensional part has been given.