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Constitution of the United States - 1
法学 美国宪法 Constitution of the United States in 1787, only a brief glossary of 7000, after 200 years of development, the constitutional text has not been modified, but an increase of 27 amendments to it. 美国1787年宪法只有简短的7000个词汇,经历了200多年的发展之后,宪法文本并没有被修改,只是增加了27条修正案,美国宪法相对保持了高度的稳定性。
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At this time, Northern reformers, such as William Lloyd Garrison and Samuel Chase, portrayed the framers of the United States Constitution as proponents of individual autonomy and capitalist values. 当时,北方的改革者,如威廉·劳埃德·加里森和塞缪尔·蔡斯,把美国宪法的制定者描绘成个人自治和资本主义价值观的支持者。 - 2
The authors of the United States Constitution attempted to establish an effective national government while preserving autonomy for the states and liberty for individuals. 美国宪法的起草者试图建立一个有效的国家政府,同时保持各州的自治和个人的自由。 - 3
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1868, prohibits state governments from denying citizens the "equal protection of the laws". 1868年批准的《美国宪法第十四修正案》禁止州政府剥夺公民享有“法律平等保护”的权利。