释义 |
恒定的导航 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
On top of that is the shell SWF, which contains all of the constant site elements, such as navigation, footers, etc. 核心层之上是shell SWF,这里包含了所有通用的网站元素,诸如导航栏、脚注等等。 - 2
Gerardus Mercator's projection, published in 1569, was immediately useful because it depicts a line of constant bearing as a straight line, which is handy for Marine navigation. 福西厄斯?墨卡托的投影于1569年问世,马上就派上了用场,因为它把不变的方位描绘为直线,这对航海非常方便。 - 3
A zipper is a way of representing a data structure with a local context, such that navigation (iteration) and modification from the current context are, for the most part, constant-time. zippers是使用本地上下文表示数据结构的一种方法,这使当前上下文中的导航(迭代)和修改在很大程度上具有常量时间的特点。