释义 |
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Olive oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax, honey, comfrey root, white oak bark, mullein leaf, black walnut leaf, marshmallow root, wormwood leaf, gravel root, scullcap leaf and lobelia leaf. 橄榄油、小麦胚芽油、蜂蜡、蜂蜜、紫草根、白栎树皮、毛蕊草、黑胡桃叶、蜀葵根、艾草叶、石渣根、黄岑叶和半边莲的叶片。 - 2
Chondrilla juncea L. distribute mostly in gravel and sandlot, fight a drought, endure barren, there is a long florescence, the self-sow power is low, it propagate by root sprout. 粉苞苣属主要分布于砾石地和沙地,花期长,抗旱,耐瘠薄,自播力低,主要通过根蘖繁殖。 - 3
A new device was designed to study root biomass and distribution in the subsurface flow gravel-bed constructed wetland. 设计了一种新方法研究潜流人工湿地植物根系的分布和生物量。