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分布线 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Botnets are often used to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which bring web servers down by overloading them with traffic, but this new line of attack is different. 僵尸网络通常被用于进行分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of service, DDoS)攻击,其可以通过使其流量过载的方式使网络服务器瘫痪;但这种新的攻击与之不同。 - 2
The first, or front, line of trenches was known as the outpost line and was thinly held by scattered machine gunners distributed behind dense entanglements of barbed wire. 第一条——或者说是最前方的壕沟被称为前哨壕,在密集缠结的铁丝网后分散布置了稀疏的机枪位。 - 3
A new type distributed multimedia control system, which utilizes multimedia-computer, CAN BUS LINE, and micro-controller is introduced. 它是一种利用多媒体计算机、CAN现场总线和微控制器组成的一种新型的分布式多媒体控制系统。