

单词 distributed denial-of-service attack
distributed denial-of-service attack
  • 简明释义
  • 分布式拒绝服务攻击:一种通过向目标服务器发送大量请求来使其无法正常工作的攻击方式,通常使用多个计算机或设备同时发起攻击。
  • 网络释义
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    在僵尸网络服务的使用者中,有些是企图对特定资源发动分布式拒绝服务攻击(Distributed Denial-of-Service attack,DDoS)的不法分子,也有一些是对使用僵尸网络感兴趣的其他类型的用户。

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    针对流媒体服务的DoS、DDoS攻击研究-CHKD会议论文全文数据库 plication; 【中英文摘要】 拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service,DoS)和分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service Attack,DDoS)攻击对运行于Internct上的各种应用造成了很大的威胁。它通过消耗目标主机带宽或者目标主机各种资源

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    中韩印俄百电脑攻陷港交所?5措施成功防再袭 。 分散式攻击 专家:难追查发动者 海外骇客8月10日瘫痪了港交所“披露易”网站,所发动的“分散式阻截服务攻击(DDoS,distributed denial of service attack)”攻击法,即是在背后发出遥控指令,令全球数以百计已中电脑病毒的傀儡电脑,同时向目标网站发出大量攻击信

  • 双语例句
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    A member of that group pleaded guilty in US federal court earlier this year to a hacking charge for his role in a distributed denial-of-service attack that brought down church websites in 2008.
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    A distributed denial of service attack involves using many computers to bombard a Web site with an overload of traffic, knocking it offline.
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    Botnets are often used to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which bring web servers down by overloading them with traffic, but this new line of attack is different.
    僵尸网络通常被用于进行分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of service, DDoS)攻击,其可以通过使其流量过载的方式使网络服务器瘫痪;但这种新的攻击与之不同。




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