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波动, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Bow looked young, up and down a cup of tea in the ups and downs, the slightest scent hanging by a thread, hope and fluid. 年轻人俯首看去,茶叶在杯子里上下沉浮,丝丝清香不绝如缕,望而生津。 - 2
It won't be easy. We'll have our ups and our downs, the roller coaster like I described earlier, but I think that's achievable. 那不会很容易,我们将碰到波折起伏,就像我先前形容过的过山车一样,但是我相信目标是能够实现的。 - 3
When perimenopause arrives with its roller-coaster ride of hormonal ups and downs, the entire orchestra gets out of sync, says Dr. Yan-Go, and disrupted sleep is frequently the result. 当准更年期伴随着过山车一样上下波动的激素到来时,整个乐队都乱了,结果就造成频繁的睡眠障碍。