释义 |
- 羽绒被:一种用羽绒填充的被子,具有很好的保暖性能。
1 ?羽绒被 至于羽绒被(down quilt)的保养方式,我已经屡次接到网友的发问,羽绒专家做了仔细的深刻的探讨,并与国内羽绒羽毛试验室IDFL进行了探讨.给出以下倡议. 2 ?羽毛被 羽毛被、羽绒被(DOWN QUILT)-生产商,制造商,供应商-深圳市三泓羽绒制品经营部...
- 1
The goose down quilt is on sale today in this store. - 2
Apply to down, down quilt, down pillows and so clean. - 3
Treasures of goose down quilt dry air, moisture, do not harden, with other insulation materials do not have the good performance of moisture divergence, known as the "breath of quilt". 珍品鹅绒被透气干爽,排湿性强,不板结,具有其他保暖材料所不具备的吸湿发散的良好性能,被称为“会呼吸的被子”。