释义 |
- 羽绒服:一种用羽绒作为填充物的保暖服装,适合在寒冷的天气中穿着。
1 ?羽绒服装 关键词:羽绒服装;标准;差异;建议 [gap=335]Keywords: down garments; standards; differences; suggestions ... 2 ?羽绒服饰 您当前所在位置: 首页 > 标签 > 羽绒服饰(down garment) 3 ?羽绒衣 ... | Vest [ 坎肩马夹 ] | Down Garment[羽绒衣] | Jumper [ 休闲装 ] ...
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If they're going up and down, seam lines, designs in prints, stripes, trims, and garment silhouettes can all be slimming and make you look taller. 如果缝线以及印花、条纹、边饰和服装外形的设计都是上下细长型的,就会使你看起来高不少。 - 2
Go, seek your minister, and see if his emaciated figure, his thin cheek, his white, heavy, pain-wrinkled brow, be not flung down there, like a cast-off garment! 去找找你们的牧师吧,看看他那憔悴的身形,他那消瘦的面颊,他那苞白、沉重、爬满痛苦皱纹的前额,是不是象一件扔掉的衣袍一样给遗弃在那里了! - 3
Brummel is credited in some quarters with inventing modern trousers, a garment more widespread even than the suit and with a provenance equally hard to pin down. 人们把发明现代裤子的功劳部分归功于浦鲁马。裤子比西装流行的范围更广,出处也更加难寻。