...公司(Kimberly-Clark)(纽约股票交易所代码:KMB)被评选为2006年道-琼斯可持续性世界指数(Dow Jones Sustainability World Index)个人产品行业领军企业,反映了它对创造可持续增长和为股东创造价值的承诺。
...斯世界永续性指数成份股 摘要:友达光电今(11日)宣布已连续八年名列道琼斯世界永续性指数(Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, DJSI World),再度自设备及零组件(ITC Electronic Equipment, Instruments Components)产业别中脱颖而出..
Siemens AG has been named once again to the prestigious DowJonesSustainabilityWorldIndex (DJSI), capturing the No. 1 spot in the sector Diversified Industrials, which also includes ITT, General Electric and Toshiba.
FORBES: Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes
Last month, Siemens was awarded the number one spot on the DowJonesWorldSustainabilityIndex.
FORBES: Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes
Recognized for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world's most sustainable technology company in the 2011 DowJonesSustainabilityIndex.
ENGADGET: Samsung notches more than 20 million Galaxy S III smartphones sold in 100 days