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在衰败中 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?衰弱 渠道市场 Trade Marketing ... Participate in negotiation of key doors, key brands &key launches 参与重点商场、重点品牌、重点新品的商场谈判 Publish &communicate monthly trade marketing plan to field sales and work together with sales to execute the plan 向销售团队发布与沟通月度促销计划,并与销售团队一起执行促销计划 Being an active team member to provide constructive and necessary supports to the whole team when needed 为团队的其他工作提供建设性及必要的支持 ...
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These minerals can be dated by radioactive decay techniques because of the very small quantities of radioactive trace elements they, in turn, contain. 这些矿物可以用放射性衰变技术测定年代,因为它们所含的放射性微量元素非常少。 - 2
Radon, the radioactive gas given off from the decay of naturally occurring uranium in soil, has been noted by the EPA to be a major environmental cause of lung cancer.[5]The 氡,放射性气体,由泥土中自然出现的铀衰变中释放。 EPA已经注意到它是肺癌的主要环境原因。 - 3
And alarmist politicians and doomster academics may, in pointing to the state of decay, miss a nation's continuing strengths and attractions, which have to be weighed against its problems and worries. 而杞人忧天的政客和末日论的学者们则可能在指出衰减状态的同时也遗漏了国家持续的国力和吸引力,这些都应该与面临的问题和担忧受到同等重视。