...:在现有的社会正常的生产条件下,8、在社会平均的社会熟练程度和劳动强度下,制造某种使用价值所需要的劳动时间。 9、不变资本(Constant capital ):是以生产资料形式存在的资本,它在生产过程中不改变自己的价值量。
...与地点的「生产个人化(individualization of production)—直接冲击传统生产的固定机器厂房设备等 固定资本 ( constant capital )、与要求在一定劳动时间在指定工厂上班,然后支领工资的可变资本(variable capital )的观念,于是生产关系也开始不稳定化,传统...
Transnational corporations, private enterprises have entered the high return sectors, Because of constantcapital pouring into this trade; the market competition is getting fiercer.
That cycle of relocation and demolition has become a constant backdrop in this capital -- never more so than in the year leading up to Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics.
搬迁和拆除的循环已经变成首都永恒的背景。 在北京为2008年奥运作准备的阶段,此风尤盛。
If the capital employed remains constant, changes in the ROCE automatically result in a change in value creation.