... 清汤燕窝 Clear soup with bird′s nest 清汤银耳 Consomm with white fungus 清汤银耳鹌鹑蛋 Consomm with white fungus and quail eggs ...
"Talk ofconsolidation is just an avoidance action by the state so they can avoid the real problem of state mandates, " said Peter Baynes of the New York Conference of Mayors.
WSJ: Cuomo to strapped municipalities, schools: Merge
There has been discussion of combinations and consolidation, including among the managements of the companies, but little action.
FORBES: Whither Japan's World-Beating Companies
Despite a slow start, there is now a clear track record of policy action in Spain which encompasses not only fiscal consolidation but also labor market and pension reforms as well as recapitalization of the weak parts of the banking sector.
FORBES: Multi-Notch Downgrade For Spain As Moody's Feasts On PIIGS