新年伊始,又到了挑选「道指狗股(Dogs of the Dow)的时候。去年这项懒人投资法再度击败大盘,
操作简单、且报酬率不俗的「道指狗股理论(Dogs of the Dow),被许多注重收益的 投资人奉为圭臬。
有投资者使用道指狗股策略(Dogs of the Dow)希望寻找股市中的股息来增加收益。
狗股理论 ; 道指狗股理论
"The roots of the strategy are definitely in the Dogs of the Dow, " Mr. Pursche says.
WSJ: Dow's 'Dogs' Growled Again in 2011
The Dogs of the Dow is just a simple way to implement these insights in a real-world portfolio.
FORBES: SDOG: A New Dog for an Old Trick
For a time in the 1990s there was a popular stock investing strategy called Dogs of the Dow.
FORBES: Dogs Of The ETFs