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土木建筑工程 弯曲 The toppling in the metamorphic areas is divided into brittle fracture and ductile bending. 现将变质岩地区反倾向层状结构边坡的倾倒变形进一步划分为脆性折断倾倒、延性弯曲倾倒两种类型。 抗弯 High-rise structure is a kind of structures whose height-to-width ratio is quite large with comparatively flexible bending stiffness. 高耸结构是一种高宽比较大,结构抗弯刚度相对较柔的构筑物。 受弯 Comparing with the beams before fire,the bending and shear properties of ceramsite concrete beams after fire all reduced in different degrees. 与火灾前相同陶粒混凝土和普通混凝土构件进行对比,过火后试件的正截面受弯和斜截面受剪承载力均有不同程度的降低。 屈曲 The local buckling of aluminum members subjected to bending was analyzed using finite element analysis of the beam web stability under shear. 针对铝合金梁中可能出现的腹板剪切屈曲,通过有限元方法研究了铝合金受剪板件的稳定性。
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能源科学技术 弯曲 The dynamic simulation just considers the side bending which is 2-D bending. 动态分析只考虑型钢的旁弯,即二维弯曲状态。 三维曲面 Flexible bending forming is a new technology to achieve the sheet flexible bending for 3-D surface, It’s the organically combine with multi-point forming and the traditional bending forming technology. 柔性卷板成形是一种实现板材三维曲面柔性成形的新技术,是多点成形与传统卷板成形技术的有机结合。
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交通运输工程 (木船)腰部外板,舷侧厚板;舢板舷缘板 系,缚(帆或绳索等): 绑结,绳结 弯曲
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农业科学 拉枝 Especially, experimentations were carried on bending and topping, harvest and reposition, and so on. 尤其在拉枝摘心、采收贮藏等方面进行了试验研究。
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数学 曲化 The thesis take the tree for example, presents different initial set by different bending. The method concludes control-point spline, data-point spline and subdivision. 文中以树木的模拟为例,给出了在外轮廓曲化时使用不同的曲化方法所得到的初始集,其中包括控制点样条、型值点样条和细分方法,并给出了利用这些初始集迭代若干次的效果图。
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As an example the effects of uncertainties of Young's modulus. Possion's ratio and plate thickness on plate bendings… 作为数例,详细讨论了杨氏模量、泊松比及板厚度的不确定性对应力强度因子的影响。