释义 |
- 1
Kids are loud, stupid, annoying, ugly, and they smell like dog shit. 小孩是一种吵闹、愚蠢、烦人、丑陋的生物,闻上去像狗屎。 - 2
When I finally found my bearings, I was standing on Congress avenue, out of breath, smeared up and down with grass stains and dog shit. 当我终于能确定方向时,我发现自己在国会大街上,上气不接下气,草渍和狗屎全身都是。 - 3
When I was training my dog, whenever he did a shit or piss indoors I'd rub his face in it. 我试着锻炼我的狗…每当它拉在家里,我就把它的脸按上去(好恶)…