释义 |
- 鹿眼:形容女性眼睛大而明亮,像小鹿一样无辜的眼神。
1 ?廊桥遗梦主题音乐 ...Eyes )往事的风, 廊桥遗梦主题音乐 ( Doe Eyes )下载, 廊桥遗梦主题音乐 ( Doe Eyes )歌词, 廊桥遗梦主题音乐 ( Doe Eyes )试听,廊桥遗梦主题..
- 1
One of these was a beautiful young doe. She had soft reddish-brown fur, a fluffy white tail and big wide bright eyes. 他们当中有一头漂亮而年轻的母鹿,眼睛大而明亮,一身柔软的红棕色皮毛,还有一条毛线绒的白色尾巴。 - 2
A Doe had had the misfortune to lose one of her eyes, and could not see any one approaching her on that side. 母鹿有丢失的不幸她的一只眼睛,并且不能看任何一个接近她在那边。 - 3
A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side. 有头瞎了一只是眼睛的母鹿,没有办法看到从瞎了的那只是眼的方向靠近她的东西。